Thursday, December 01, 2005

Today - Dec 1, 2005 & Dec 13th

Yes, I know that it's not the 13th yet and we still have 12 days to go. But that's ok, as you'll find as you read on.

Today, I gave my 15 day notice to the G.J. Free Press that Friday, Dec 16th would be my last day of work. (I did tell them that I would be available part time for the route that I do, and only that route) That seemed to appease my boss somewhat. The reasons are that it's getting cold out there - 16 degrees F on some days and I'm getting old and cold. Plus, I don't know how much longer my van will hold up with all the stop and go driving downtown. I did mention it to Eleanor before I did it though. Her comment was something like: "Then What?". I didn't have an answer for her.

Now, as to the 13th. There are two big important things happening that day. It's Eleanor's Birthday! {You'll have to ask her how old she'll be, I'll never tell) and it will be 6 months since Denise was buried. So, it's going to be a mixed day for me.

There, I think that covered all the dates above. Have a great week everyone .


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