Saturday, January 01, 2011


OK,  It's cold here in Grand Junction (about 13 degrees at 3:42pm on the 1st) but it's going to get back to normal (30's) during the week.  Had a quiet New Years Eve and didn't even see it come in.  But that's ok, I haven't in years.  A friend came over and we had a quiet time talking and had one shot of brandy.

A couple of birthdays this month, you know who you are....Happy birthday to all of you.

Hope you all had a safe new year's eve.

It snowed a couple of days ago, and I have three inches of the white crap in my yard.  At lease that's better than the 2 feet that was on the ground this time last year.
I'll post some photo's of the snow later.
I have an outdoor kitty that refuses to come in out of the snow.  It will come to the garage to eat but then disappears. Coupon Code Deal Coupon Code Deal